Stamped Concrete Companies

Stamped Concrete Companies
When you use release colors when the concrete is wet it keeps the stamps from sticking to the base concrete. And when you’re done, it gives you the deep relief and it shows off the texture in the concrete. In this case, we scored the concrete about four feet on center, scoring means we cut marks or cut troweled in marks on the concrete when it was wet, to allow the concrete to shrink and expand, where we wanted to, so the cracks where we want instead of cracking at random. Now I chose this particular pattern on this job because it’s a very simple pattern and it doesn’t look too busy. And directly adjacent to real flagstone coping here, and I like to use stone texture matting to accent the texture on the stone without trying to mimic the look of actual flagstones when you use a flagstone stamp next to actual flagstone it screams that it’s fake because you have the real product right next to a faux product. The stamped concrete finish that we chose here was a stone texture matting but there’s many other different options for stamped concrete, for instance, you could use an ashlar cut stamp, a cobblestone stamp, a random flagstone stamp, a stamp that mimics brick or slanted stamped and mimic slate. There’s many different choices out there, and you want to work with a stamped concrete company that’s familiar with those different options in Fairfax.