Lead Generation for Concrete Contractors in Northern Virginia
How would you like to add between $40,000 and $80,000 to your monthly revenue?
Right now, we receive between 50 to 100 EXCLUSIVE referrals a month that could be going directly to YOUR business!
We are offering a FREE, no-strings attached, two week trial of leads to the first qualified contractor to respond.
What are you waiting for, book a call now!
What could you do with an additional 54 inbound calls a month?

Plus, another 58 inbound web forms a month?

You respond to the referrals just as you would for your business. Go out to the job, provide estimates, follow up etc.
Focus on the what YOU do best
We will focus on what we do best - make sure that your phone won’t stop ringing!
In fact, we recommend you hire an assistant to help book appointments and manage your schedule because you are going to be BUSY!
How many jobs could you close when you are able to visit with the client and provide an estimate at their home?
Let’s be very conservative here.
At $4,000 an average project (we get a lot of referrals for patios and driveways) with even a 20% close rate on 100 referrals, that’s $80,000 in added revenue a month!
What would your company look like with an additional $80k in monthly revenue?
The average company puts 10% of sales to the bottom line
What would your life be like with an additional $8k in monthly income?
What kind of vacations would you take?
What kind of toys would you buy?
We create online properties that get stamped concrete referrals and we’re looking for ONE hungry concrete company to partner with that wants to grow revenue from stamped and decorative concrete projects in 2022.

Does this sound like you?
Book a call now to see how we fit in your marketing plan for 2022.
A Client Testimonial
Why should you do business with me?
Leads by Lou is our go-to local SEO/Lead generation service. Lou is an honest, straight forward guy who will deliver what he says he will, strong LEADS! Unlike others (ahem google,yelp, etc) this is not the type of service that tries to rope you into some contract and if you aren't happy, they upsell you on additional services/packages and plans that never really move the meter. We are making real money, helping real people with the landing pages Leads by Lou generates. The weekly analysis they provide has really helped us pinpoint the monetary value that Leads by Lou brings to the table and I can't see us moving away from this service anytime soon. This may sound scammy and overly positive but I can assure you, this company works hard on helping us do what we do and bring attention to more customers.
I spent ages trying to find an SEO service that would take the ownership of what they were promising. Most of them wanted a down payment and an insane monthly fee for "projected" leads that may or may not come. These other SEO services made lofty promises of increased call volume, more organic customers and a larger online presence but they would never put their money where their mouth was and prove it. Leads by Lou was the first one out of dozens of these companies who told us that he would generate leads that brought paying customers and THEN we could choose to continue and pay a fair monthly fee for the leads or call it a trial run and walk away. You just don't find that kind of honesty and follow-through with most other lead generation services out there. I would recommend Leads by Lou to any service business that is looking to add additional revenue streams to their portfolio.
Gabriel Miranda
Potomac Towing & Recovery
I own and operate a courier company within the DMV area, Cheapskate LLC. In 2020 we would expect about 10 inquiries per month and the crazy thing is that we really felt great about those numbers. However, in 2021 we started using Leads by Lou and it completely changed my business. We went from about 10 inquiries to about 15 then 20 all in a matter of months.
The thing with Leads by Lou is that it is inexpensive and guaranteed with helping your company get more leads. Thanks again Lou for helping my company LEVEL UP!!
Andre Phillips
Director of Operations, Cheapskate LLC